
苏兆峰 特任副研究员


E - Mail:zfsu@ustc.edu.cn

主要研究方向: 量子计算,量子信息,量子算法,量子纠缠与量子非局域性 

    苏兆锋,男,中国科学技术大学计算机科学与技术学院特聘副研究员。1989年生,甘肃省定西市人。2012年毕业于武汉大学国际软件学院,获软件工程学士学位,2018年在悉尼科技大学量子软件与信息研究中心获得量子计算与量子信息方向博士学位。曾在中山大学、南方科技大学进行学术交流访问。曾获得国家留学基金委建设高水平大学公派留学项目奖学金与悉尼科技大学国际研究奖学金。研究领域为量子计算与量子信息,主要包括量子计算、量子算法、量子人工智能以及量子力学基础等。参与多个量子计算与量子信息相关的科研项目。近三年来在包括Physical Review A、Quantum Information Processing在内的高水平学术期刊上发表论文多篇论文。同时担任Quantum Information Processing的审稿人。

[1] Zhaofeng Su*, Haisheng Tan, and Xiangyang Li. The nonlocality of a general two-qubit system is upper bounded by its entanglement. Physical Review A, 101: 042112, April 2020.
[2] Zhaofeng Su*, Ji Guan, and Lvzhou Li. Efficient quantum repeater in perspective of both entanglement concentration rate and LOCC complexity. Physical Review A, 97:012325, January 2018.
[3] Zhaofeng Su*, Lvzhou Li, and Jie Ling. An approach for quantitatively analyzing the genuine tripartite nonlocality of general three-qubit states. Quantum Information Processing, 17: 85, April 2018.
[4] Zhaofeng Su*. Generating tripartite nonlocality from bipartite resources. Quantum Information Processing, 16:28, January 2017.
[5] Yan Huang, Zhaofeng Su, Fangguo Zhang, Yong Ding and Rong Chen. Quantum Algorithm for Solving Hyperelliptic Curve Discrete Logarithms Problem. Quantum Information Processing, 19: 62, January 2020.
[6] Wenjie Liu, Zhenyu Chen, Jinsuo Liu, Zhaofeng Su, Lianhua Chi. Full-blind delegating private quantum computation. CMC: Computers, Materials & Continua, 56:211-223, 2018.